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Abs(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the absolute value of a numeric value
Acos(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the arc cosine of a numeric value
Acosh(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the area hyperboliccosine of a numeric value
Acot(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the arccotangent of a numeric value
Acoth(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the area hyperboliccotangent of a numeric value
Acsc(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the cosecantarc of the a number value (Y)
Acsch(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the area hyperboliccosecant of a numeric value
AddDaysToDate(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring on which have added days
AddDaysToDate(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date on which have added days
AddEasterDayInHolidays(int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
inserts easter days in holidays returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
AddEasterDayInHolidays(int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
inserts easter days in holidays returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
AddMonthsToDate(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring on which have added months
AddMonthsToDate(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date on which have added months
AddTimestring(String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns a timestring which is the sum of two timestring
AddYearsToDate(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring on which have added years
AddYearsToDate(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date on which have added years
Age(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the age (years) from the birthdate
Age(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the age (years) from the birthdate
Asc(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a numeric code (ASCII) equivalent to the character specified
Asec(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the arcsecant of a numeric value (X)
Asech(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the area hyperbolicsecant of a numeric value
Asin(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the arcsine of a numeric value
Asinh(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the area hyperbolicsine of a numeric value
Atan(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the arctangent of a numeric value
Atan2(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the arctangent of the cartesian coordinate values
Atanh(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the area hyperbolictangent of a numeric value


BinaryStringADJ(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a binary string adjustment (normalized format)
BinaryToHex(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an binary string to a hex string
BinaryToInteger(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an binary string to a integer
BinaryToLong(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an binary string to a long
ByteArrayToString(byte[]) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string from a array of bytes


CalculateCheckSum(String, long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the calculation of checksum of a string (eg. xModule = 256, 512, 1024, ect.)
CalculateItalianFiscalCode(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fITALIANFISCALTOOLS
returns the italian fiscal code (codice fiscale italiano)
CBool(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns an expression converted to a boolean
CByte(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns an expression converted to a byte
CChar(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns an expression converted to a char
CDate(Object, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns an expression converted to a date in the format determined
CDbl(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a value converted to a double
CheckItalianFiscalCode(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fITALIANFISCALTOOLS
check the italian fiscal code (codice fiscale italiano)
CheckItalianVATID(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fITALIANFISCALTOOLS
check the italian VAT ID (partita IVA italiana)
Chr(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a character equivalent to the numeric code specified (ASCII)
CInt(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a value converted to a integer
CircleSurfaceArea(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a circle
Circumference(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the circumference of a circle
CLng(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a value converted to a long
ConeSurfaceArea(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a cone
ConeVolume(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the volume of a cone
Copy(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
copy a file returns [true] = success, [false] = failed
CopyDirectory(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
copy a directory returns [true] = success, [false] = failed
Cos(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the cosine of an angle
Cosh(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the hyperboliccosine of a numeric value
Cota(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the cotangent of a numeric value
Coth(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the hyperboliccotangent of a numeric value
CountHolidaysFromDates(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the number of holidays between two datestring
CountHolidaysFromDates(Date, Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the number of holidays between two dates
CountWeekdayInMonth(int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the number of times the weekday of the month
CountWeekdayInMonth(int, Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the number of times the weekday of the month
CountWorkdaysFromDates(String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the number of working days between two datestring
CountWorkdaysFromDates(Date, Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the number of working days between two dates
Csch(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the hyperboliccosecant of a numeric value
Cscs(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the cosecans of a numeric value
CStr(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a value converted to a string
CubeSurfaceArea(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a cube
CubeVolume(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the volume of a cube
CylinderSurfaceArea(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a cylinder
CylinderVolume(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the volume of a cylinder


DateConversion(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns a datestring converted as required
DateDiff(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns a value corresponding to the number of time intervals between two datestring
DateDiff(Date, Date, String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns a value corresponding to the number of time intervals between two dates
DateFromYMD(int, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date corresponding to the settings of the year, month and day
DateFromYMD(int, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring corresponding to the settings of the year, month and day
DateFromYMDHMS(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date corresponding to the settings of the year, month, day, hour, minute and second
DateFromYMDHMS(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring corresponding to the settings of the year, month, day, hour, minute and second
DatestringToDate(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
converts a datestring to a date
DatestringToDate(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
converts a datestring to a date
DateTimestringDiff(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns a value corresponding to the number of time intervals between two datetimestring
DateToDatestring(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
converts a date to a datestring
DateToDatestring(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
converts a date to a datestring
Day(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the day of the month
Day(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the day of the month
DaysInMonth(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the days number of the month
DaysInMonth(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the days number of the month
db2000.J.eXtrafunctions - package db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
DecodeBase64(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
decodes an encrypted string with Base64 algorithm
DegreesToRadians(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns the value in radians from degrees


EasterDate(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the easter date
EasterDate(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the easter datestring
EncodeBase64(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
encrypts a string with Base64 algorithm
Equals(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks the equality between two strings (case sensitive)
EqualsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks the equality between two strings ignoring upper and lower case
Eval(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the results of an arithmetic expression
Eval2(String[]) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the results of an arithmetic expression array
Exist(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
check if a file exists returns [true] = exist, [false] = not exist
Exp(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the base of natural logarithms raised to a power (e)
ExtractPartFromFileName(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns a portion of the file name xPart = 1 file name excluding extension, 2 = extension, 3 = filename, 4 = pathname


Factorial(long, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the factorial for the numeric value (xMode = 0 or 1)
fCONVERSION - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
conversion functions
fCONVERSION() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
fDATE - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
date functions
fDATE() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
fDATESTRING - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
datestring functions
fDATESTRING() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
fFILETOOLS - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
file tools functions
fFILETOOLS() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
fGEOMETRY - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
various geometry functions
fGEOMETRY() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
FileListing(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns an array string containing the names of files and folders in the directory
FileListing2(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns an array string containing the names of files in the directory
FileSeparator() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns the file separator (e.g. "\" for Windows, "/" for Linux)
FindDateNextWeekday(int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring found of the next weekday
FindDateNextWeekday(int, Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date found of the next weekday
FindDatePreviousWeekday(int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring found of the previous weekday
FindDatePreviousWeekday(int, Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date found of the previous weekday
fINFO - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
info of this package
fINFO() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINFO
fINI - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
functions to manage INI Files
fINI() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
FirstDateOfCurrentWeek() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the first day of the current week
FirstDateOfCurrentWeek() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the first day of the current week
FirstDateOfMonth(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the first day of the month
FirstDateOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the first day of the month
FirstDateOfQuarter(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring corresponding to the first day of a quarter
FirstDateOfQuarter(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date corresponding to the first day of a quarter
FirstDateOfWeek(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the first day of the week
FirstDateOfWeek(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the first day of the week
FirstDateOfYearWeek(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date on the first day of the 'n' year week (0-51)
FirstDateOfYearWeek(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring on the first day of the 'n' year week (0-51)
FirstWorkdayNameOfMonth(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the name of the first workday of the month
FirstWorkdayNameOfMonth(Date, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the name of the first workday of the month
FirstWorkdayOfMonth(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the first workday of the month
FirstWorkdayOfMonth(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the first workday of the month
fITALIANFISCALTOOLS - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
italian fiscal tools functions
fITALIANFISCALTOOLS() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fITALIANFISCALTOOLS
Fix(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the integer part of a number
fMATH - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
math functions
fMATH() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
FolderListing(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns an array string containing the names of folders in the directory
FormatNumber(double, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string containing a number formatted according to the required format
fSTRING - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
string functions
fSTRING() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
fTIMESTRING - Class in db2000.J.eXtrafunctions
timestring functions
fTIMESTRING() - Constructor for class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING


GeoDistance(double, double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the distance between two points identified by geographic coordinates
GetCommentStartMarker() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the start-marker character used in comments
GetDateFormat() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date format in use (default is "dd/MM/yyyy")
GetDateFormat() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring format in use (default is "dd/MM/yyyy")
GetDateFormat() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
get the date format returns the DateFormat value
GetFileName() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
get the INI file name being used returns the INI file name
GetFirstWeekday() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the first weekday (1 = sunday *default*, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
GetFirstWeekday() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the first weekday (1 = sunday *default*, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
GetHolidays() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns an string array containing all holidays allocated in memory (item format = "MMDD")
GetHolidays() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns an string array containing all holidays allocated in memory
GetInfo() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINFO
get the info of this package returns the info of this package into a string array: 0 [name] 1 [version] 2 [version date] 3 [author] 4 [e-mail author] 5 [copyright]
GetKeysToUpperCase() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
get the uppercase status assigned to key names returns uppercase status
GetLastModified(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns the last date of modified
GetLineSeparator() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the line separator currently in use
GetSystemTime() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the system time ("hh:mm:ss")
GetTimestampFormat() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
get the timestamp format returns the TimestampFormat value
GetTimestampFormat() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the timestamp format in use (default is "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
GetTimestringSeparator() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the timestring separator for output


HexToBinary(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an hex string to a binary string
HexToInteger(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an hex string to a integer value
HexToLong(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an hex string to a long value
HoursToTimestring(long, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns a timestring of the specified hours


InsertNewHolidayInMemory(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
inserts a new holiday in memory (item format = "MMDD") WARNING: not historicizes in external file returns [true] if the insert was successful, otherwise [false]
InsertNewHolidayInMemory(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
inserts a new holiday in memory (RAM) WARNING: not historicizes in external file returns [true] if the insert was successful, otherwise [false]
InStr(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the position of the first occurrence of a string within another (0 = not found)
InStr2(int, String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the position of the first occurrence of a string within another, starting from a predetermined position (0 = not found)
InStr3(int, String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the position of the first occurrence of a string within another, starting from a predetermined position and with comparison method (0 = not found)
InStrRev(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the position of an occurrence of a string included in another from the end of the string (0 = not found)
InStrRev2(String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the position of an occurrence of a string included in another from the end of the string, starting from a predetermined position (0 = not found)
InStrRev3(String, String, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the position of an occurrence of a string included in another from the end of the string, starting from a predetermined position and with comparison method (0 = not found)
Int(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns an expression converted to a integer
IntegerToHex(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an integer value to a hex string
IsBlank(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks if a string is blank
IsDate(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns [true] if the datestring is valid, otherwise [false]
IsDate(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns [true] if the date is valid, otherwise [false]
IsDatestring(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns [true] if the datestring is valid, otherwise [false]
IsDatestring(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns [true] if the datestring is valid, otherwise [false]
IsDirectory(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
check if a path represents a folder
IsEmpty(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks if a string is empty
IsFile(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
check if a path represents a file
IsHoliday(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns [true] if the datestring is a holiday, otherwise [false]
IsHoliday(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns [true] if the date is a holiday, otherwise [false]
IsNotBlank(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks if a string is not blank
IsNotEmpty(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks if a string is not empty
IsPrime(long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns [true] if the value if it is a prime number, otherwise [false]
IsTimestring(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns [true] if the timestring is valid, otherwise [false]
IsWeekend(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns [true] if the datestring is a weekend, otherwise it returns [false]
IsWeekend(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns [true] if the date is a weekend, otherwise it returns [false]
IsWhitespace(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
checks if a character at a given position is a whitespace


Kill(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
delete a file returns [true] = success, [false] = failed


LastDateOfMonth(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the last day of the month
LastDateOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the last day of the month
LastDateOfQuarter(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring corresponding to the last day of a quarter
LastDateOfQuarter(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date corresponding to the last day of a quarter
LastDateOfWeek(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring corresponding to the last day of the week
LastDateOfWeek(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date corresponding to the last day of the week
LastDayOfMonth(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the last day of the month
LastDayOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the last day of the month
LastWorkdayNameOfMonth(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the name of the last workday of the month
LastWorkdayNameOfMonth(Date, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the name of the last workday of the month
LastWorkdayOfMonth(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the last workday of the month
LastWorkdayOfMonth(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the last workday of the month
LCase(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string converted to lower case
Left(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a specified number of characters in a string from the left
Len(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the length of a string
LoadHolidaysFromFile(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
loads the text file that contains the holidays, each line of text is a single holiday (use "MMDD" format) returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
LoadHolidaysFromFile(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
loads the text file that contains the holidays, each line of text is a single holiday (use "MMDD" format) returns [true] if the upload was successful, otherwise [false]
Log(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the natural logarithm of a numeric value
LongToHex(long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
converts an long value to a hex string
LTrim(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
removes whitespace to left


m_CommentStartMarker - Static variable in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
m_FileName - Static variable in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
m_KeysToUpperCase - Static variable in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
m_LineSeparator - Static variable in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
MCD(long, long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the greatest common divisor relative to two numeric values
MCM(long, long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the least common multiple relative to two numeric values
MD5(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns the MD5 hash of a string
Mid(String, int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a portion of a string
Mid2(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a portion of a string
MinutesToTimestring(long, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns a timestring of the specified minutes
MKDir(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
create a directory returns [true] = success, [false] = failed
MKDirs(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
create a directory and subdirectories returns [true] = success, [false] = failed
Mod(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns returns the remainder of a division
Month(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the month
Month(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the month of the date
MonthName(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the month name
MonthName(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the month name of the date


NextAnniversary(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the next anniversary
NextAnniversary(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the next anniversary
NextDate(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the next datestring (24 hours later), 'Null' is datestring not valid or error
NextDate(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the next date (24 hours later), 'Null' is date not valid or error
NextDay(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the day next
NextDay(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the next day
NextMonth(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the next month
NextMonth(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the next month
NextMonthName(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the next month name
NextMonthName(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the next month name
NextWeekday(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the next weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
NextWeekday(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the next weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
NextWeekdayName(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the day name of the next weekday
NextWeekdayName(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the day name of the next weekday
NextWorkday(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the next workday
NextWorkday(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the next workday
NextWorkdayName(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the name of the next workday
NextWorkdayName(Date, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the name of the next workday
NextYear(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the next year
NextYear(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the next year
NormalizeTimestring(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the timestring normalized ("xHH:MM:SS")
Now() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the current date
Now() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the current date
NthWeekday(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring subsequent to the weekday setted for the number of recurrences specified
NthWeekday(Date, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date subsequent to the weekday setted for the number of recurrences specified


PI - Static variable in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
PI constant
PreviousDate(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the previous datestring (24 hours before), 'Null' is datestring not valid or error
PreviousDate(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the previous date (24 hours before), 'Null' is date not valid or error
PreviousDay(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the previous day
PreviousDay(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the previous day
PreviousMonth(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the previous month
PreviousMonth(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the previous month
PreviousMonthName(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the previous month name
PreviousMonthName(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the previous month name
PreviousWeekday(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the previous weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
PreviousWeekday(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the previous weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
PreviousWeekdayName(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the day name of the previous weekday
PreviousWeekdayName(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the day name of the previous weekday
PreviousWorkday(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the datestring of the previous workday
PreviousWorkday(Date, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the date of the previous workday
PreviousWorkdayName(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the name of the previous workday
PreviousWorkdayName(Date, int, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the name of the previous workday
PreviousYear(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the previous year
PreviousYear(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the previous year
PyramidSurfaceArea(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a pyramid
PyramidVolume(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the volume of a pyramid


RadiansToDegrees(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns the value in degrees from radians
rdBoolean(String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the boolean value assigned to the specific section and key
rdDate(String, String, Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the date value assigned to the specific section and key
rdDouble(String, String, Double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the double value assigned to the specific section and key
rdInteger(String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the integer value assigned to the specific section and key
rdKeyNames(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns a string array containing the names of all the keys under specified section
rdKeys(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns a map containing all the keys under specified section
rdLong(String, String, Long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the long value assigned to the specific section and key
rdNumberSections() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the number of sections in INI file
rdSection(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the named section or null if named section does not exists
rdSectionNames() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns a string array containing the names of all sections in INI file
rdString(String, String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the string value assigned to the specific section and key
rdTimestamp(String, String, Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
returns the timestamp value assigned to the specific section and key
RectanglePerimeter(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the perimeter of a rectangle
RectangleSurfaceArea(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a rectangle
RectangularPrismSurfaceArea(double, double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a rectangular prism
RectangularPrismVolume(double, double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the volume of a rectangular prism
ReformattingTextRows(String, int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a text reformatted
RemoveElementsFromStringArray(String[], String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
removes from a string array all the items that match the search string
Rename(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
rename a file returns [true] = success, [false] = failed
Replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring
Replicate(int, char) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string of the same character repeated 'n' times
RhombusSurfaceArea(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a rhombus
Right(String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a specified number of characters in a string from the right
RMDir(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
remove a directory WARNING: all files in the directory will be deleted!
rmKey(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
remove the specified key from the specified section
rmSection(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
remove the specified section
Rnd() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns a random double value with a positive sign
Rnd2(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns a random double value with a positive sign
Round(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns a number rounded
Round2(double, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns a number rounded to decimals specified
RTrim(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
removes whitespace to right


Sec(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the secant of a numeric value
Sech(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the hyperbolicsecant of a numeric value
SecondsToMinutes(long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns an array of two elements (minutes and the rest of seconds)
SecondsToTimestring(long, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns a timestring of the specified seconds
SetCommentStartMarker(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
set the row start-marker character for comments
SetDateFormat(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
sets the date format
SetDateFormat(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
sets the datestring format
SetDateFormat(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
set the date format
SetFileName(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
set the INI file to use
SetFirstWeekday(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
sets the first weekday
SetFirstWeekday(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
sets the first weekday
SetKeysToUpperCase(boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
set key names to uppercase
SetLastModified(String, String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
sets the date of modified returns [true] = success, [false] = failed
SetLineSeparator(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
set line separator
SetTimestampFormat(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
set the timestamp format
SetTimestampFormat(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
sets the timestamp format
SetTimestringSeparator(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
sets the timestring separator for output
Sgn(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
checks the sign of a numeric value
SHA1(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string processed with SHA1 algorithm
ShLint(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the left
ShLlng(long, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the left
ShRint(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and keeps the MSB
ShRlng(long, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and keeps the MSB
ShRZint(int, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and shifts also the MSB
ShRZlng(long, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
shifts the bits of value shift-bits to the right and shifts also the MSB
Sin(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the sine of an angle
SinC(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the sine cardinale of a numeric value
Sinh(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the hyperbolicsine of a numeric value
Size(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fFILETOOLS
returns the size of file in bytes
SkipDateIfHolidays(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the first datestring after the holidays
SkipDateIfHolidays(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the first date after the holidays
SkipDateIfHolidaysOrWeekend(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the first datestring after the holidays and/or weekend
SkipDateIfHolidaysOrWeekend(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the first date after the holidays and/or weekend
SkipDateIfWeekend(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the first datestring after the weekend
SkipDateIfWeekend(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the first date after the weekend
Space(int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string of whitespace repeated 'n' times
SphereSurfaceArea(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a sphere
SphereVolume(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the volume of a sphere
Split(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns an array of substrings extracted from a string where the data were separated by a delimiter
Sqr(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the square root of a numeric value
SquarePerimeter(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the perimeter of a square
SquareSurfaceArea(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a square
StrComp(String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
compares two strings
String(int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string of the same character repeated 'n' times
StringAdjustment(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string adjusted as required
StringToByteArray(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a array of bytes from a string
StripAccents(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string without accent chars
StrReverse(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string in which the character order of the specified string is reversed
SubTimestring(String, String, int) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns a timestring which is the difference (subtraction) between two timestring


Tan(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the tangent of an angle
Tanh(double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fMATH
returns the hyperbolictangent of a numeric value
TimestringToHours(String, long, long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the hours from a timestring
TimestringToMinutes(String, long) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the minutes from a timestring
TimestringToSeconds(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fTIMESTRING
returns the seconds from a timestring
TrapeziumPerimeter(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the perimeter of a trapezium (first method)
TrapeziumPerimeter2(double, double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the perimeter of a trapezium (second method)
TrapeziumSurfaceArea(double, double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a trapezium
TrianglePerimeter(double, double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the perimeter of triangle
TriangleSurfaceArea(double, double) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fGEOMETRY
returns the surface area of a triangle
Trim(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
removes leading and trailing whitespace


UCase(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fSTRING
returns a string converted to upper case
UpDate() - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
update the INI file, if the INI file does not exist it is created


Val(Object) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fCONVERSION
returns a numeric value


Weekday(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
Weekday(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the the weekday (1 = sunday, 2 = monday, ..., 7 = saturday)
WeekdayName(String, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the day name of the week
WeekdayName(Date, boolean) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the day name of the weekday
wrBoolean(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the boolean value to the specific section and key
wrDate(String, String, Date, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the date value to the specific section and key
wrDouble(String, String, double, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the double value to the specific section and key
wrInteger(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the integer value to the specific section and key
wrLong(String, String, long, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the long value to the specific section and key
wrNewSection(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
writes a new section
wrSection(String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write/update a comments associated with a section (if the section does not exist will be created)
wrString(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the string value to the specific section and key
wrTimestamp(String, String, Timestamp, String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fINI
write the timestamp value to the specific section and key


Year(String) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATESTRING
returns the year
Year(Date) - Static method in class db2000.J.eXtrafunctions.fDATE
returns the year
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